[quote=Kyelin] I'm interested. Though this RP sounds insanely complicated, it would be interesting to take part in, no doubt. Probably shouldn't dare write anything as drunk as I am, but this sounds fun, reserve me a spot, and I'll write up a 'species' and 'entity' bio tomorrow.Just a quick question: would 'human like sapience' always be out of the question, even in late game? [/quote] ...Actually, this would get very interesting very quickly if all the players were drunk. Do go on. Anyway, it probably would be, considering the speed at which humans have caused a huge amount of change in the world (much faster than any Entity would be able to keep up with) and it probably wouldn't take more than a few thousand years after some kind of civilisation kicks off for a sapient species to be able to alter the course of evolution themselves. However, it could still be an interesting plot point later on- If this roleplay goes on steadily for long enough, I don't think it would be out of the question for us to spice things up by creating a human-like species as a general antagonist to everything. Maybe they could wipe themselves out with a nuclear war and leave the Entities to recover in the aftermath. But this is all a fair way into the future. The Deep One, the Crawling Seeker, and the Chao(-tic?) One are all fine. We can start this as soon as the players want to begin.