I would be interested as well provided a mandatory IC posting rate of not more than 1x/week. One time per week is easy, I can usually do more, but there are strands of time when I get super busy and one time per week may be all I can manage. AS for the current discussion... I, like Dead Cruiser above me, prefer to make obscure character concepts and make them interesting or take something completely normal, even mundane and focus on personality and creativity to make the character shine. The idea of working as a group/team to create a party of characters that don't overlap is very appealing, more so than having a set amount of archtypes we can chose from. I'm not sure how well it would be accomplished, it would require cooperation, but it is certainly an intriguing idea and certainly doable. As far as prophecy goes...it is often self-fufilling and the more vague you make it, the less well defined, the more likely we the characters are to simply assume we fit into it somehow and in general bring about its meaning because it has been prophesied that we would even if it wasn't exactly in the manner intended (if that made any sense whatsoever congratulations on understanding my mental processes). I'm game for either friends or strangers, both have lots of potential. The first you have deep relationships already formed, they know each other and how to work together, and some of the mechanics of things are easier. The second gives you a chance to write much of your character personality on the fly and develop it and interactions as you go creating a character that, I at least, feel much closer to.