My Servant CS [hider=Caster] Name: Abdul Alhazred, the Mad Arab Class: Caster Gender: Male Appearance: [url=]Though usually dressed in simple desert robes and other such crude garments, Alhazred has a particular preference for quality clothing.[/url] Birth and Death Dates: 8th Century AD Alignment: Chaotic Mad Personality: Obsessive, manic and evangelical, his epithet of "the Mad Arab," is quite apt, as Alhazred has quite thoroughly lost his mind. His warped mind is consumed by dark presences, which he attributes to mysterious, otherworldly beings which he likely dreamed up in his own madness. Enraptured by the coming apocalypse which he prophesied, his motivations are put somewhere between self-destructive hedonism and homicidal nihilism. Bio: A man of Sana'a in the region of Yemen, Alhazred was a scholar known for pushing the boundaries of ethics and philosophy, frequently dabbling in what his peers branded as blasphemy. An outcast in society, his sudden departure into the deserts of Arabia, where demons and monsters were said to have lurked, was barely noticed, though his return was noted greatly. He reemerged from the shifting sands completely mad, babbling constantly of star gods and ancient ruins. He claimed to have visited the ruins of Babylon, to have found the remains of Irem buried under the desert, and to have wandering amongst a nameless city built by beings that came before mankind. From these places he learned dark and forbidden sorceries, best left forgotten by man, and secrets truths that tore his sanity to shreds. While living in Damascus, he took his madness to pen, and created a book of unspeakable evil. This unholy scripture he titled the Kitab al-Azif, named after the demonic howls that sounded through the desert at night. While he vanished from the world soon after, stories vary wildly of how (if at all) he met his end. Most say he was torn apart by invisible demons in a crowded marketplace. Others claim that he was punished by his newfound dark gods by having his eyes and tongue ripped out, and he dwelled in the desert for the remainder of his days. More yet claim that he was summoned back to the ruins that maddened him, and dwelt in the tutelage of mysterious forces beyond our comprehension. Regardless, his name passed into legend as his tome of horror changed hands, was translated, and became a dark bible for madmen like himself that peered too deeply into the abyss. After being translated into Greek, Alhazred's grimoire was given its most famous title, the Necronomicon. Weapon: Sword-cane [u]Parameters:[/u] Strength: E Endurance: E Agility: C Mana: B Luck: C [u]Class Skills:[/u] Item Creation Rank: B Alhazred has the ability to pen "grimoires," essentially fusing prana with ink and paper, thus creating portable, easily-cast spells. Depending on the complexity of the spell and the amount of prana infused into the materials by Alhazred, the grimoire is either worth a single use, or can be used repeatedly. The use of a grimoire does not noticeably reduce the cost of casting the spell, but greatly streamlines and quickens the processes of what would usually require lengthy incantations or complex rituals. Territory Creation Rank: D An outcast in society that learned his forbidden magics from ruined civilizations, Alhazred's magics have no place in our world, and thus his workshop is not as powerful as others. [u]Personal Skills:[/u] Forbidden Sorcery Rank: A Imbued with secrets of magic and science which man was not meant to know, Alhazred's sorcery strains the limits of human sanity to merely look upon, and he has already been driven well mad by its use. Magic Resistance Rank: B Insane to the point of brilliance, the foul, otherworldly energies that surround Alhazred protect him from many forms of conventional magic, and his twisted mind aids in repelling much else. [u]Noble Phantasm:[/u] Name: Kitab al-Azif Title: The Most Powerful Grimoire, First Edition Rank: A+ NP Type: Anti-Army Range: 40 Maximum Number of Targets: 666 The most evil book in the world, in the ink that it was originally penned in. While Alhazred's dark sorcery can conjure unspeakable horrors of magic from behind the stars, the power of his personal grimoire fills him with power beyond that of human comprehension. Every cosmic secret he learned in the bowels of ancient and forbidden ruins is stored within this book's unhallowed pages, and he can use this knowledge to evoke and channel beings of which the barest fragments bear apocalyptic power.[/hider]