[center][img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/26d9c06c3ab02e88b04de45724acd9c2/tumblr_inline_nebx9fPqpY1t3u8k2.gif][/center] [i]Her body was screaming, and yet she couldn’t let out a single sound. Bound, constricted, drugged and completely vulnerable, Rose continued slipping in and out of consciousness as her body’s natural instinct was to shut down to null the pain. She wasn’t sure how long she was there, wherever [b]there[/b] was she didn’t have an inkling of a clue; her mind a jumbled mess of flashes between dreams and reality, though which one was which she couldn’t tell. For a few moments she was aware of the lights overhead, streaming down onto her face and piercing through her heavy eyelids that she was only able to open half a fraction of an inch before losing the battle and let them slam back shut. Wrestling with Killer Croc would have been an easier task than trying to get her body to cooperate right now. Once her body was forced back into relaxing, an annoying buzz around her ears made her vaguely aware that she wasn’t alone. The buzz, the longer she concentrated, turned into soft murmuring voices around her. For a moment, her mind was able to focus long enough on a few key words spoken by her captors. Blonde. Incarceration. Surprise. Scrawny. They were talking about her, that much was clear, but what more her captors were saying escaped her mind as she slipped back into unconsciousness for what very well could have been the thirtieth time within an hour, welcoming the light that brought her screaming nerve endings to a tolerable throb.[/i] The doors of the courtyard were thrown wide open, a loud bang coming from the door as it hit the cement wall once it opened as far as it could go. Two security officers made their way inside, both dressed in expensive five-piece suits with a pair of shades over their eyes and a Bluetooth headset nestled snugly in their right ear to keep them from looking [i]too[/i] human. The taller security guard had a young woman thrown over his shoulder like she were a sack of potatoes. She certainly couldn’t have weighed more than a sack of potatoes anyway. Catching the eye of Slade Wilson, the security guard chuckled as he reached his opposite arm around to heave the small blonde off his shoulder and dropped her at Slade’s feet. “You got mail, Slade.” The security officer said with a wide grin and used his foot to roll the young girl over so that she was lying on her back. It didn’t take too much to gather that the girl had something for the Mercenary. She wore his colors and her suit (though made from Kevlar rather than armored metal) took on the same style as his, right down to the split mask that covered up the top half of her face, leaving her lips, chin, and the bottom half of her cheeks exposed. Aside from the fact that she resembled almost an exact replica of Deathstroke (though female), the only other oddity was the fact that the girl didn’t even so much as move. Still heavily sedated, lost in the world of her dreams, she didn’t even so much as stir with her abrupt contact with the ground. “Take good care of her yeah? Make sure to feed her once a day, take her out for walks, clean up after her messes and issue plenty of [i]play[/i] time.” The security guard winked, chuckling to himself as he looked to the second security guard for backup support to his joke. When the second security guard only shrugged in response, the first scowled. “Oh c’mon, that was funny!” The second security guard just shook his head and began heading back to the doors they came in. “Fucking prick.” The first security guard growled as he followed his companion, not even so much as giving the others a passing glance as the doors shut behind them, leaving just as quickly as they came.