I am accepting sheets still, I'm more interested in getting the best than the people who came first. The only person who's guaranteed locked is Mictlan as the Avatar. Arkloh, I have to say a flat no to that character between the various inconsistencies with the universe, the bizarre physical and mental traits, and most significantly the impossible bending form. Rinnee, The Northern Tribe still has more or less the same government as in Korra and ATLA, but the Southern Tribe has shifted to more of a representative Republic. They still have chiefs, but they're elected, more or less the President of the Southern Tribe. Future Industries -is- the media in The Republic and about half of the Earth Confederation, and they have most of the United Republic's government under their thumb, mostly because they more or less directly control the economy and military. The higher ups in the police are in bed with them too, but there are good cops in the rank and file. Their primary weapon for maintaining their control is their inertia. They're less overt tyranny and more bread and circuses. People go to their job at a Future Industries subsidiary, buy dinner at FutureFoods, and then go home to watch FutureHolo Productions Present The Adventures of Nuktuk. People who cause FI trouble aren't openly disposed of, just quietly disappeared.