Leith fidgeted when Mar stared at him for longer than what he felt normal. He nodded at Althalus' words. It made sense that once life was given, there won't be any effort made by the mage other than communication with what they made. Leith was going to say something about convincing the kid to stop the horde, but Althalus had turned his attention to Mar. It had seemed that he had been unsuccessful in trying to stop the argument, but it didn't last long, and Althalus agreed to try and talk to the child. "I'll stay down here and keep watch." Once Althalus and Mar had gone upstairs, Leith started pacing parallel to the barricaded door. He hoped was ready for when they broke in. --- [center][b]Darius[/b][/center] Darius felt like death. He cursed himself for having too much to drink the night before. For most of the morning, he was irritable and would ignore anything anyone had to say that wasn't work related. It was late in the morning before he started feeling better. When they made it to the toll bridge, he was feeling around seventy-five percent. He wrinkled his nose at the smell. Something was wrong. The guards looked like he had felt earlier. He looked at Ssarak, finding that the dragon man looked uneasy as well. Once he saw that, he made a beeline towards Alaira. "Something is not right about this bridge. Do not make a scene this time," he quietly warned. Satisfied, he started to walk away, but before he made it too far, he paused. "Come with me." he said over his shoulder. "Something is long dead, and we need to find out [i]what[/i] it is." Normally, he wouldn't have said what he had, but having the half-elf within reaching distance would make sure an incident like the day before wouldn't happen again.