[b]Lyn[/b] Only once had Lyn gotten out of bed throughout the night. A nightmare, created by the day’s events, had crept into her mind. It terrified her beyond words and caused her to sit upright suddenly, her voice choked on her own silent scream while tears slithered their way down her cheeks. The image burned into her head, causing her to rise and shift from her make shift bed. Her feet padded to the nearest comfort, a warm and familiar body became a needed comfort. She naturally crawled into their bed to snuggle close and the shivering emotions away. In the morning, when the caravan master awoke each of them, she noticed whose bed she had crawled into last night. She blinked and noticed it was Alaira’s. It made her smile as she carefully sat upright, aware she didn’t disturb the blankets or wake her chosen guardian. Her bear had waddled from its perch, following her from the bed to the quickly washing, finally breakfast before they both hopped into the wagon. Her legs folded up and under her with her bear held in her lap among the shifted goods. Bottle clattered, boxes rattled, and much more surrounded her compared to the last stow away. This made things much different now that they knew she was along. Though she was rather disappointed her viewing of the scenery was obscured by the tarp which covered her, limiting it to the front or back. The trip seemed much longer now. The only thing that made her forget the time was when Ssarak was talking with her. They chattered about her mother, father, and more. However, when the conversation turned to the Elixirs in her pocket and Lucilia’s request she tried something, she thought Ssarak’s mood darkened slightly. That worried her but it soon forgotten when they started to play a word game. One that used the alphabet and went down the line, from A to Z. With each letter, they offered a name of an object, person or animal that started with it. Ssarak had kept a list of the mentioned things and placed them on a paper, absent from their memory and minds which he would read whenever a round happened. They weren’t allowed to repeat a single thing that was on that list. Lyn had won a few times but Ssarak seemed rather good at it, which made it challenging compared to her mother. Though it didn’t help her mother struggled to read and refused help in her own pride. There was a sense of sorrow that came with the thought, and then was quickly swept away during the games and conversation on the trip. Sometimes Ssarak would translate for her to the others. Each stopped seemed just the rest until they came to present one. When Ssarak’s mental telepathy edged into her mind, Lyn ducked low within the wagon. Her body had curled into a ball, just like Ssarak had told her to do, while she stayed out of sight. Something was happening and the thought made her fidget, unsure what it might be. The worry didn’t help either. Unlike Lyn, her bear’s head peered out to survey the scene. Ironically his face popped up right around the time Darius had shifted by the wagon and caused the little, demonic toy to glare at him. Clearly it was obvious the toy didn't trust him... completely.