[quote=manapool1] Appearance: Short, skinny but all muscle, large blue eyes, short black hair,pale skin. Plaid flannel open to a vailent thorr shirt, blue jeans, ragged loafers, and fist wrapsName:Guy funnuchiBirthdate: august first 2989Backstory: A Sicilian boy, who when on to become a skilled martial artist to win money to save his family from the mob. He started out doing savate and bare knuckle boxing and moved on to Asia, then americas. After the war he became a hero, going around doing anything he can to help people. He is hunted by many people, for he rarely ever kills. He is currently running from a gang that wants him dead for saving a young girl from slavery. He has bee shot and could has not yet cleaned the wound, he has not eaten in 3 days.Starting weapon: thought skilled with most weapons he carries none.Type of social skill: thought many people find it relaxing talking to him, He also has a way of making people understand without having to say much.Type of combat skill: he manly excels in savate but is trained in many styles.Type of craft skill: Guy is good at making fire and fire places [/quote] It's accepted. We will make revisions, but it's accepted.