[quote=Delta1038] @Pirouette: Quite interesting read and I don't mean it in a sarcastic way. Hell not only you went with the "famous" person backstory and make it work as to why no one has heard of her, you more or less got the math right at about 4k or so years since the Night of Tears so nice touch. But it's not my call.P.S Is that original art or you legally borrowed it from someone? [/quote] Well thank you! There isn't much information compiled on Snow Elves (as it should be) so something simple as a title of Big Game Hunter wouldn't have lasted beyond a hundred years. It's purpose is two-fold, however, as I needed some way to draw a reclusive character out their own pursuits and chase after the common goal of dragon slaying, because let's face it any big game hunter loves a challenge. But yea I wanted to play someone obscure but also fun! There is a whole lot of things at play when a character's race has pretty much been extinct for less than 4000 years. And this beautiful piece is not mine but rather a talented artist's commission. [url=http://www.deviantart.com/art/Skyrim-Last-of-the-Snow-Elves-278496279] Fullest compliments to the artist for it.