[quote=xRobynx] Alexis 'Alex' Fletcher March 14, 2990 ( 20 years old ) Alexis was born in South Carolina along with her brother Chance on a small cotton farm. She spent her childhood days helping out on the farm and her father even taught her how to shoot a rifle. Her favorite rifle became her father's but for more utilitarian purposes use used a much smaller .22. It was essential to keep the small animals out of the crops and she became quite the shot. Not long before it all began her parents got divorced with her father and Chance staying on the farm and her mother and she left for California. Alexis wasn't happy with leaving the farm that she had grew up and worked on all her life. During the outbreak she hasn't heard anything from her father or brother besides one phone call. Her mother had been killed while at working as a nurse in a hospital recieving the first of the ill in the area. Since it has seemed the entire world has gone to Hell. Alexis has surivied relativily well as she has reverted back to her days on the farm doing what she knows best to survive. She only keeps a 9mm pistol, a pocketknife and a small backpack of scavenged supplies on her person. She hopes to one day find an old Mosin just like she used to use with her father. Not only would it be quite the keepsake, but ammo was always plentiful. 9mm Pistol with 24 bullets. None. Marksmanship Farming [/quote] Accepted but, why NONE at the social skill? It is accepted, I'm just wondering why you put none there.