The patrons of this dimly lit bar/night club tonight were multitudinous and some more abrasive than others. It was fairly new to Justine after only starting here for a month. In a ripped tank, her cleavage on display with the name "Bar None" written across them and some tight skinny jeans, Justine always got tipped well. The only thing she disliked about the place was the smell of vomit mixed with liquor. As a white man with dark messy hair stumbled to the bar, he drunkenly smiled. "Lis'en...lemme buy YOU a that allowed?" He yelled into her ear. He reeked of beer but also another smell that Justine always craved. She slowly licked her top lip, and then eyed left and right. No sign of management, although it didn't matter much, just made things easier. "Boy, I don't know about a drink but how about a kiss instead?" She grinned at her too willing victim, as she put her hand softly around his neck and leaned in to leave her mark. He went from barely being able to stand, to getting wobbly in the knees and reaching out to grab a stool -- yet he couldn't and more importantly, didnt want to stop kissing her. A feeling of a euphoria so sweet, nothing could compare came over him and a feeling of near satiation finally hit Justine. But she was never full enough and especially so since she hadn't fed in so long. She knew she was probably going to kill this poor guy but she couldn't stop. He missed the stool and fell, and it caused Justine to snap out of it. As she wiped her mouth, and noticed the puzzled look of one of her coworkers who'd turned towards the noise. Justine smiled and said "I guess he had a little too much tonight huh?" She put her hands up and signaled for a smoke break. Exiting as the clock turned 12 and everyone cheered, Justine sighed a bit and spread out her wings now that she had enough juice to do it. Flying was the only time she felt free; the wind never judges you especially for what curse fortune chooses to throw at you. Altitude just above house hight in the night sky, she could look down and catch glimpses of peoples lives. A kiss, a family carrying their tuckered child, press swarming... Well the last made her land, no need to risk being caught even with the night sky giving added coverage. In a small alleyway she heard the ambulance sound, and the news stations asking all sorts of questions. Instead of heading back to work tonight, darkstalker decided to listen in from a distance...