Carolina sighed, he had just finished reassembling his assault rifle and cleaning it when he heard the voice call his name standing up slowly he walked towards the door. He stepped in looked at the glass above and spoke letting the spooks and higher ups know he was ready. "Agent North Carolina is ready to begin." With that they began the test, starting with the obstacle course he clocked in his best time to date then grabbed a sniper rifle and hit the range, he wasn't the best marksman but he was good, landing close to 85 percent of all his shots, damn he was on fire today. After a few more tests at which he he managed to stay above average on all of them. He re-entered the room and sat down near some of the other agents, he was tired but he wouldn't let that slow him down taking off his helmet he yawn and leaned back a couple minutes of sleep would do him some good. Well unless the other agents wanted to talk, he could at least oblige them that. He placed his hands behind his head running through his short cut red hair as he looked around at the others. He stayed calm, the other seemed tense and worried however, he shrugged and shut his eyes, round three would start soon and whether or not he was in it he was going to be ready.