[center][img=https://31.media.tumblr.com/26d9c06c3ab02e88b04de45724acd9c2/tumblr_inline_nebx9fPqpY1t3u8k2.gif][/center] After being rolled over a few times, Rose was vaguely aware of the soft patch of grass her body rested on only after breathing in the heavy scent of dirt and a freshly mowed lawn. Her other senses were doing little to help her take on her surroundings, as her eyelids still insisted that they remain glued shut and most of her nerve endings had gone numb for touch. For a moment, she felt her body being maneuvered a bit when there was suddenly a great relief from a constraint she didn't even know was there washed over her wrists, or was it her ankles? Hell she didn't know, she couldn't tell and her frustration came out in a pathetic groan of a whimper as she struggled to gain consciousness, only for her mind to slip back into her drug induced sleep. [i]She was sixteen, sprawled out on the back lawn of the Teen Titans headquarters wearing nothing but a sports bra and sports shorts. A bead a sweat trickled down from her face and splashed down onto her collarbone but she paid it no mind, too engrossed in the cigarette perched between her naturally pouted lips as she took the final drag before it had burnt down to the filter. "You know you can't do that here." Rose looked up from her spot to see Nightwing headed in her direction, a reprimanding scowl intensified by the blue mask he wore over his eyes. Rose just shook her head and flicked the useless filter over to a small gravel pit where the remaining smolder wouldn't catch fire to anything before hoisting herself up to meet Nightwing halfway. She fell into his arms immediately, his lips on her neck and hands on her waist as she took in a moment to breathe in his scent. He was sweaty and the muscles on his arms were tense, confirming her fleeting thought that he had been training not just a few moments ago. "Go to hell Dick." She replied, letting her hands knead the muscles of his shoulders to help loosen them up. He only chuckled in reply before lifting his lips from her neck to plant a soft kiss on her lips, capturing her there for a moment or two before pulling away. "There's something I need to talk to you about." He said letting his hands drop back to his sides from her waist. "Some of the other Titan's are a bit concerned with the way you treated the last mission..."[/i] Something cold touched her face and Rose let her head turn to the side away from the unfamiliar feeling. She did not like the cold, not one bit and she felt her body wriggling around on it's own accord trying to escape whatever it was that made gooseflesh crawl over her entire body. Then there was a sound- more of a pulse that her body was aware of than a sound she could hear with her ears before a dull ringing in her ears triggered a sensor in her mind, alerting her that a gun had been fired. Blue eyes snapping open wide, her body instinctively hit the fight or flight response and with the blink of an eye, her right hand had grabbed onto a small shiv kept strapped to her right calf and with a fluid movement, her right leg hooked around the person that she had just managed to register was hovering over her and rolled herself up, pinning the man down onto his back with her on his chest with shiv in hand and at where his throat would be. It was all reflex, her eyes did nothing to help her in the effort as she was still only seeing blurred outlines and muddled colors of whomever was stupid enough to try to take her by surprise. "I'ma bail you up you filthy bludger!" Her accent came out thick (even so that the 'normal American' wouldn't have a clue as to what she just said), her natural brogue taking over in her still discombobulated state. Her teeth bared, she pressed the shiv up closer to his neck, finding that there was an barrier of cold metal keeping the weapon from reaching any skin. Perplexed, Rose closed her eyes hard only to open them again, trying to shake the blurred image below her until finally, shapes and colors were starting to separate from one another until she finally had a clear image. She blinked. Once. Twice. Three times. A single eye was staring back at her from behind a split colored mask, a mask she had become all too familiar with over the last year. She felt the blood starting to drain from her face as she swallowed a lump in her throat, still trying to comprehend the obscurity of the situation. [i]"Well... just... shit..."[/i]