[quote=The Silver Paladin] It's free to roleplay how you want! If she wants to, let her! If it's such a problem, make your own! [/quote] [quote=The Silver Paladin] Seriously bro? You're accusing us of joining RPs we like? Make one with Multiple spots for each role! Seriously, its not all that hard!As I said Earlier: So Long, Farewell. [/quote] Okay, one, just leave already. Two, what if, for example, every time you stepped into a crusades RP it was already full up with the same assholes who fill up every crusade RP, and will fill up every one in the forseeable future, and you never got to do a crusades RP because it was always filled up with the same group of guys filling every slot. Gee, I bet you'd be pretty pissed, wouldn't you?