Patricia hears Kura's words, looks at him, and senses his words are truthful he wants to help. The Pulsar Dragon Cloak slowly weakens to show the actual gash, that has been with Patricia with her since she was seven years old, it is from her ankle to her knee on her right leg and it is pulsing with a powerful strange aura surrounding it akin to like her 'mark' on the other leg. Suddenly for a instant, Patricia could see her family and remembers something they told her. "[b]Mommy, what should I do[/b]?" Patricia asked out loud crying a lot while looking at her necklace that is pulsing. Patricia's Pulsar Dragon Necklace starts glowing brighter than anything does, more or less telling her to trust these two people. "[b]Thank you, I will try anything to lessen the intense feeling of this pain, and the helplessness I feel[/b]," Patricia said crying looking at Kura. Patricia looks down at her necklace again and says a prayer in a different language that is unknown to all dragons and all humans on this planet, mainly at her necklace. "[i]These people are nice[/i]," Patricia thought to herself while crying.