“[i]Firearms accuracy test assessment stage one- begin.[/i]” Raising the training gun, which fired an infrared laser, at F.I.L.S.S’s command North waited as green holographic targets began firing, the targets flashing red once they had been successfully hit. The aim was to hit all the targets as quickly as possible. North felt more confident than he had in all the other tests he’d been issued with so far and completed the stage one in what F.I.L.S.S deemed an ‘impressive time. As stage two began, which was similarly structured however differed in that this time holographic soldiers were being created and were running at him, firing off weapons of their own, so if you were hit you were out. Despite the fact that he needed to concentrate on the tasks at hand North couldn’t help think about South and how she was doing with her trials. He quickly ducked out of the way of another laser and fired off three quick rounds, ridding himself of the attacker as two more spawned and he fired off before they moved into their attack sequence. Now breathing slightly heavily he waited for the next wave, however they never came. “[i]Simulation complete. Thank you Agent North. Please take a moment to rest and prepare yourself for the next simulation.[/i]” Moving over to the bench he leant against it, shaking his head slightly. He needed to concentrate, there were a few moments there were he could have done better if he hadn't been worrying about South. A few things began being moved into the room, the movement distracting him from his thoughts and he pushed himself off the wall, observing them curiously. In the end he did probably better that he’d expected to do on nearly everything, only slipping up on a couple of the tests that were things he naturally struggled with. Walking back into the waiting room he looked around but didn’t see South anywhere, so took a seat on his own and waited for her. [center]***[/center] Slamming her back into the crate South sank closer to the ground, breathing heavily. This was impossible. There was no way this could be done. She moved just an inch to look around one of the large crates that was acting as a shield between her and the turret however bullets began zipping past her. Rubber bullets of course, this was a training exercise after all. The aim was ‘simple’ as F.I.L.S.S put it; take out the shooter, don’t get shot. However she couldn’t get a clear shot at it. Every time she moved to line up a shot they began firing at her. She knew what North would do; he’d angle it and perform some amazing ricochet shot off the wall. Her aim wasn’t bad, but she’d never be able to pull off that shot. Leaning against the wall she looked up at the ceiling. [i]Approach it from a different angle.[/i] Suddenly North’s words rang in her mind and she had an idea. It was crazy, but it might work. They couldn’t shoot what they couldn’t see. Pointing her gun up at the ceiling she shot out the lights and the room was plunged into darkness. Despite the fact that it was dark she engaged her Active Camouflage and the strobe light, placing it just near the corner of the crate before running forwards, firing off more rounds than necessary until suddenly an alarm started sounding. “[i]Simulation Complete. Thank you Agent South Dakota.[/i]” Back-up lights bathed the room in red and she moved to wait by the corner as men removed the training materials. “She’s performing unexpectedly well.” One of the observers commented to another. Both were standing off in a small room, full of computer screens that displayed the different agents at different stages of the testing. “Perhaps.” The man commented, absently. “Then again her issue was never training. It’s her never when faced with human opponents…” He trailed off for a moment. “F.I.L.S.S what’s her next assessment?” “[i]Field skills, Director.[/i]” “Change that to hand-to-hand combat.” The man commented in almost a bored tone. “And… put her up against agent California.”