Aya, whose shift at the coffee shop started at nine that morning, had missed the announcement that would change her life. Like most other days, today she worked behind the counter making the drinks (after many valiant attempts to get Aya out of her shell, her coworkers all agreed she was too timid to work the cash register and actually [i]interact[/i] with people). Popping the lid on the latest order, she lifted the cup up to her face to read the name scribbled on it. She opened her mouth to call out the name… Only for her voice to come out in a squeak when the door opened and three men in uniform sauntered in, loaded with weapons and ammunition, "NYFC" printed on their helmets in bold letters. Aya's world shrank down to that moment, and she swore she could feel her heart stopping. This was it. They'd finally found her and were here to make her pay for her crimes. She'd been so [i]careful[/i] not to use her powers! Her mind buzzed with fears and anxieties, but she was frozen in place, unable to move. Her breath caught in her throat when her eyes locked with one of the officers. Then his mouth creeped up into a smirk, he threw her a wink, and he and his buddies made it to a nearby table. After a few minutes of talking, one of them got up and stood in line at the register to order coffee. Aya nearly collapsed, she was so relieved. Her mind snapping back to the present, Aya finally called out the name scrawled on the coffee cup and went to work making the next order. Adrenaline still thrummed through her veins, and she keep her hands from shaking as she mixed the different ingredients, or stop herself from being aware of the men in uniform. "…'bout time we started tagging the freaks." Her eyes widened as she caught a snippet of conversation. She looked up to see the two men sitting at the table grinning at each other. [i]Tagging?[/i] Aya felt her stomach drop. They were finally hunting people with abilities down, and who knew what would happen to them after that? Who knew what would happen to her?