In California’s mind she was doing fine. And she was. Her scores compared to any normal soldier were impressive. However the level of the other freelancer agents was a step up from those she was used to and whilst she may have been the best back where she came from, here her scores were falling below the average. “[i]Hand to hand combat trails will begin shortly.[/i]” She had thought the robotic voice would annoy her eventually, but it actually proved to be a nice, soothing voice that gave her an odd sense of calm. She moved over and took a drink of water from the bench, turning as she heard the door to the room open and a very unsure South Dakota ushered in. for a moment she paused and then looked up at the security camera that had been recording her results. “What is this?” She demanded angrily. “Seriously? The fuck is this?!” “[i]Your hand to hand combat opponent, Agent California.[/i]” F.I.L.S.S replied. “I thought all the tests were supposed to be simulations? We weren’t supposed to fight actual opponents!” It wasn’t that she was worried about actually fighting the other girl, she’d seen her in the preliminary rounds, fighting wasn’t her strength. It was more she felt bad about the fact she was going to have to fight her, it didn’t seem fair and it meant she had been misled. “[i][b]We are the ones who make the rules here, California. Just approach this like any other sparring match.[/i][/b]” That voice wasn’t F.I.L.S.S, rather someone she didn’t recognise. One of the higher ups no doubt. Groaning California turned to look at South, it was so hard to tell what people were thinking; feeling when you wouldn’t see their faces. Still, she wasn’t going to let her score drop because of this. Moving forward she waited for the signal and once given the go-ahead quickly engaged on agent South.