Name: Jan Yorik Age: 24 Race: Human Appearance: [img=] In armor with squad. He's the one in the center. [img=] Without armor. Profession: Former Sith Acolyte turned Republic Trooper Equipment: Republic Trooper Armor Blaster Assault Rifle Blaster Pistol Purple Light-Saber Personality: Friendly if a bit of a loner, stationed on Balmorra along with a few other troopers. He prefer to fight alone as he fear failing others and being the cause of there deaths. Lacking in Charisma he make up for in true good natured kindness. He hates slavery and feels that the Republic should not tolerate it. Often mediates and tries to learn Jedi teaching teachings to help him manage his force powers. Back Story: A former Sith Acolyte he received minimal training before he escaped in to Republic controlled space as he did not wish to fight for the Sith even if they were winning the war. Arriving back home he signed on to help push the Sith back but kept training himself in light-saber combat while not able to use the force like a Jedi he can use basic abilities and his lack of formal blade training does make him rather under skilled against Sith but against the average trooper his melee skills are impressive. While Jan is not a fan of violence he fights to protect the ways of the Republic having seen what the Sith envision as the future. A good shoot but not the best he plans to fight and die for the honor of the Republic, his faith in it's ways unshakable.