A slender, dagger-shaped craft emerged from hyperspace, flanked by a quartet of slender fighters with broad, angular wings, angling to approach the distant, massive form of Graveyard Station. A moment later the comm waves were filled with, "Graveyard Station to unidentified approaching vessels. State your intended course and identify yourselves." "This is shuttle [i]Mortrax[/i] on approach. Transmitting identification codes now." "Shuttle [i]Mortrax[/i], you are cleared for docking bay seven." All around similar events were taking place, Jedi in single-man fighters and representatives in diplomatic corvettes alike trickling to the station, one after another. The station itself was titanic, a titanic spar eight kilometers long holding hundreds of docking bays, with a massive, wheel-shaped habitat capping it. In sheer mass Graveyard Station was the size of a large battle fleet. Over a million beings called it home, and hundreds of thousands more passed through in the massive refugee fleets from the wartorn territories. It was a city, a hospital, a refuge, a sanctuary in space, nestled among the ruins of the world that had once been much the same. A melancholy pervaded the place, and from the small cabin he had in the main structure of the station Jedi Master Aldoran Kell stood, he could feel it. A thousand years ago a world had been here, billions of lives snuffed out in an instant by the dark side. The wound in the Force from that tragedy had healed, but it was still a fragile spot in the Force, suffused with all the lost potential from the untimely deaths of billions. It was a peculiar choice for a conclave of Jedi, but not one he had made without cause. The spectre of the Dark in this place would, he prayed, gather the minds of his fellows to a singular cause, and allow them to ignore their divisions until the greater threat was dealt with. At that thought he clutched the datapad in his pocket, the crucial shards of intelligence needed to sway the Jedi to action. One by one, the Jedi continued trickling aboard. The Conclave had begun.