[center][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/038/5/1/Bizzare_landscape_by_rakkin23.jpg[/img] The Carpathian Mountains: Home of the Shade A Key is Essential[/center] [b]Arralina - Witch[/b] Darkness cloaked the steep path that lead the pinnacle of their most recent hide out, the people of Capernaum growing balls and deciding to finally fight for what they felt was there's, but if they understood better the story of the chalice then they would know that in the hands of mortals it meant little, but in the bosom of a god... Arralina lifted her right hand, her lithe arm invisible through the cloudy substanced that pushed around her as a small flame ignited from her hand and lifted slightly above her. The clinking of her long black high-heel boots filled the air and reminded her that solid footing was beneath her. She'd been summoned by the Shade and though she felt her evening would be better spent running amuck amongst the villages untouched, her father obviously had a different opinion. Stopping at the edge of a large mountain she released the small ball of flame and tucked herself against the wall, her full crimson lips almost touching the rock as she mumbled, "I am here, Father." The mountain shifted and she steadied herself, slipping into the small crack and walking into a room that appeared to have no bottom. A strong hang grabbed her by the throat and lifted her from the ground, a masculine growl racing up her spine. She gave no sign of fear or show of physical struggle, understanding very well that death awaited her if she but moved. "Gather the others and take the chalice. It is encrypted by the gods and only a child from the golden towers can decipher it. Lose the cup and I will enjoy bathing in your very essence, my child." He let go and she remained in place, simply nodding. Stopping in front of her, [url=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/398276-bigthumbnail.jpg]the shade[/url] growled with intent and flicked his finger to hurl her from his presence. She landed in a thud just outside of his dwelling, her heart pounding as anger burned in her veins. She walked quickly back down the path to their make shift camp and stood in front of the small fire, her fingers calling it to light up the night. "We've been given a task and the men of Adin will soon be on our tails in the midst of it. Gather your things and those of you with spirit - call out to the children of the Shade and bring our brothers and sisters to join us on a journey."