There was a soft cracking noise, which echoed through the cockpit of the [i]Silver Galaxy[/i], as Elona stretched her body and bones for the last time on this journey. She has been sat in the pilot's seat for the better part of eight hours, making course corrections whenever necessary, but for the most part simply trying to bide her time. This conclave was all she could think about, even if she tried she couldn't remove it from her mind. Not that was necessarily a bad thing, it allowed her more than enough time to prepare for the onslaught of questions she would no doubt receive if someone were to recognise her. She may call herself a Jedi, a watchman by trade and she may follow their ways. But she wasn't exactly on speaking terms with her fellows, which very much complicated things for her. And try as she might, she couldn't think of a damn thing to say to anyone if they asked. She'd met only a handful of Jedi in her lifetime, and out of that handful, only one of them remembered what they were. The others were ... 'different' to say the least. She liked to rationalize the actions they'd taken by having them fear her, but that didn't exactly help. Since painting yourself as the enemy isn't good for ones self esteem. At the end of the day, they called themselves Jedi, and if they had even the smallest hint of sense remaining, they'd know whatever threat remains out there is much more important than a mindless witch hunt, Then with the flicking of a switch, her small little dainty craft transitions from Hyperspace and into the real world, in that moment she could feel the presence of every Jedi here, as if they were broadcasting their presence. She looked up through the screen which protected her from the barrenness of space and saw as hundreds of ships slipped into being, and in that moment she realised a few things. Whoever this Jedi Master was, the one who called together this conclave he was big, not in the physical sense that was. But he had managed to do what no other Jedi had done in quite sometime, and that was bring them all together. While a Jedi may be strong with their blade, or even the force it wasn't that what made them a force to be reckoned with. It was their unified voice, Elona had read about a time when the Jedi were not broken sects all of different ideals, but of a single unified order that stood against the darkness in the galaxy. If even some of that could be restored here ... Then whatever evil that remains hidden wouldn't stand a chance. As everything came to her, and she slowly realised what was truly afoot, she could only muster what she needed to say. "Shit." Those four letters easily expressed her thoughts upon this revelation. The Jedi were a force of nature, and one didn't simply call upon a force of nature unless there was something of a truly terrible nature happening.