[img]http://i.imgur.com/sPNBvEG.png[/img] Name: Dorian Corvavich Age: Thirty-three. Race: Human, Corellian. Profession: Green Jedi. Equipment: Dorian doesn't exactly own much, as a Jedi he naturally has his Lightsaber, but other than the clothes on his back, he owns nary a thing of actual noteworthiness. Personality: Once upon a time, he might have thought himself a proud man, someone who fought the good fight and did the right thing, but when you go into a war with all those noble ideals you tend to come out all broken and battered. Which is more or less what happened to Dorian, both figuratively and physically. Perhaps deep down he is still that man, but he no longer believes himself to be. Having felt the loss of too much, he has become an uncaring man who would rather be left to his own devices, than anything else. His reclusive nature has of course made it's mark upon his connection to the force, which is naught but a shadow of it's former potential. Back Story: Considering the whole 'Corellian' and ‘Green Jedi’ part, it's a safe assumption to say that Dorian is, or was at least part of the Corellian ruling elite. As are many other Green Jedi. however, the comparison between the two stop there. Dorian actually intervened in the Mandalorian Wars. He was considered to be the voice of intervention within the Green Jedi, while many of the Corellian Jedi elected to simply stay put and defend naught but Corellia. Dorian decided to take any man who would stand with him, and take these forces to fight alongside the Jedi's Revan and Malak. He was reported in taking with him several warships, a handful of Jedi and several thousand Corellians who had volunteered to fight. Even if it was a token force, it made the Republic think that Corellia stood with them, and in a small way that helped renew their spirits. However, that was in the beginning of the war. Victories were numerous, as were the defeats. Corellia hadn’t officially recognised Dorian’s efforts to fight in the war, which meant there was rarely ever reinforcements sent to replace those lost, and it eventually got to the point where they had to take supplies from the Republic troops just to keep on fighting. The only thing that kept the unit together was Dorian’s determination to see this to the very end, to send the Mandalorians back to that hellhole of planet they called a home. His resolve was nothing, if not adamant, all his men had to do was look at him, and they knew why they were fighting, knowing that when this was all over, he would bring them back home. But as the war dragged on, the Mandalorians only fought harder, and dirtier. Which resulted in the untimely loss of his wife, Clissa, as she too was a Jedi, one of the first to follow him into action. He felt the blow that resulted in her death. Her loss affected him the most out of anything, in that moment he wasn’t the same man anymore. He became more distant, and reckless with his actions. Once only drinking to celebrate, a pass time many Corellians shared, he now drank simply because it was the only thing that brought him comfort Then one day, he simply disappeared. All the Jedi of Green who had followed him into battle had fallen in battle, all six of them. His actions had caused the death of hundreds of men, and the bright light that once emanated from him, was no longer shining. With no leader, what little remained of the Corellian forces either folded into the Republic Army, or simply went back home. All traces of Dorian ran dry, he never returned to Corellia, not even under an assumed name. Some considered him a traitor, while others saw him a hero. ‘The truth is that he’s both, a hero who went to war, and a traitor who left his men’.That’s what they like to say anyways, the real truth is always far from what people want it to be, and is instead whatever they want to believe. Eventually, Dorian resurfaced on the planet of Balmorra, by this point Malak’s invasion of the galaxy was in full swing, with force users a plenty on his side. The Green Masters sent one of their own to investigate whether or not Dorian had fallen to the ways of the Sith. Instead, all they found was a broken man, who had renounced his old ways. The Jedi left him there to fend for his own devices. Corellia wouldn’t gain anything by bringing him back. [hider=old][img]http://i.imgur.com/sPNBvEG.png[/img] Name: Dorian Corvavich Age: Thirty-three. Race: Human, Corellian. Profession: Green Jedi. Equipment: Dorian doesn't own much, as a Jedi he naturally has his trusty Lightsaber, but other than the clothes on his back, he owns nary a thing of noteworthiness. Personality: Once he might have thought himself a proud man, someone who fought the good fight and did the right thing, but when you go into a war with noble ideals you tend to come out all broken and battered. Which is more or less what happened to Dorian, both figuratively and physically. Perhaps he is still that man, but he does believe himself to be. Having felt the loss of too much, he has become an uncaring man who would rather be left to his own devices, than anything else. His reclusive nature has of course made it's mark upon his connection to the force, which is naught but a shadow of it's former potential. Back Story: Considering the whole 'Corellian' and Green Jedi part, it's safe to say that Dorian is, or was part of the Corellian ruling elite. As are many other Green Jedi, however, the comparison between the two stop when Dorian actually intervened in the Mandalorian Wars. He was considered to be the voice of intervention within the Green Jedi, while many of the Corellian Jedi elected to simply stay put and defend naught but Corellia. Dorian decided to take any man who would stand with him, and take these forces to fight alongside the Jedi's Revan and Malak. He was reported in taking with him several warships, a handful of Jedi and several thousand Corellians who had volunteered to fight. Even if it was a token force, it made the Republic think that Corellia stood with them, and in a small way that helped renew their spirits. However, that was in the beginning of the war. Victories were numerous, but with no Corellian reinforcements, the force he has left with at the beginning of the war was naught for a handful men now. Of the Jedi who had followed him, none remained. All six of them casualties of war. But they had been his friends, and he had felt every blow that result in their deaths, as if they were his own. It had taken a toll on him. The burden of command was one thing, but feeling the death of your friend, and your lover, through the Force is another thing entirely. It's not reported when, but Dorian simply disappeared from the War at some point, and without a leader, what remained of the Corellian forces either died off, or went back home. With the war over, many back home at Corellian expected Dorian to come back, and at least take responsibility for his actions, but he never did. Not even under an assumed name, all reports of Dorian ended when he went missing in action. That was up and until Balmorra. He wasn't even trying to hide anymore, but when the Green Jedi sent someone to bring him back, they saw a broken man, and so they just left him there. A hero he may of been to some, but he preferred the comfort of the bottle to that his friends. I actually derped, turns out I did make character during the outage, I had just forgotten about it, and instead make this. Either way, if this one dies then I got a fall back. Taht said, not all that proud of this character, tis a little meh for my usual.[/hider]