As Matt basked in the glory of heroism, that is to say daydreamed about being adored because of his daring rescues. "Oh Deathlok, your so cool, swoon" everyone would say, and he'd be like "I totally am, wanna go to my golden space mansion?" And- Matt was suddenly interrupted from his thoughts of adoration by a flash of red darting across one of the roofs he was sitting near. Why did everyone use these as transportation? More importantly, why were people never really complaining about the noise? "Whatever." Matt said as he shook himself from his thoughts and got up to follow the darting figure. They could be throwing themselves at danger, and that was his job! Matt dashed after the mysterious figure, far enough behind that if they were a villain they wouldn't hear him. He didn't suspect the figure as being as such, especially when they stopped pursuing the person in red. "Uh, hey." Matt said to the person. Judging by the figure they were a twenty-thirty something female, but that was about all the information he could get without her turning around. He really wished his father had built some sort of scanner thing in his eyes... "So, hi, that guy you were chasin' look evil? He an evil dude that needs apprehending? Because I'm totally the guy for that." He asked her, trying to get her to reveal more information about the situation before leaping into what could potentially be a good guy hideout, and then he'd look like an idiot.