Count had, once upon a time, taken it upon himself to learn the concept of Darwin's theory of evolution if only because anything that pissed off the worshipers of his mother without being purely demonic in nature was worth taking a look at. He had to hand it to Darwin that he had plenty of good points and it seemed like the exact kind of system that Mother would set up because it meant she would have to do fuck all to maintain it. When the would be Rapist pulled a knife and attempted to attack him despite the pain and horribly poor position, Count knew [i]exactly[/i] what a just and fair punishment for stupidity was. There was a stomp, the sound of something fleshy giving a sickening pop and a scream that would really piss off any dog within quite a large radius, as well as freak out everyone within hearing range, Count did his duty to humanity by helping to clean up the gene pool a bit. Thankfully it was short lived as the idiot passed out from the pain quickly enough. Letting the whips return to their original state and pocketing them as his aura faded away, Count looked up to speak with the would be victim... only to find her missing. Looking around for a moment and failing to find her, Count shrugged before leaving the alleyway behind. Without a care in the world, walking by the bouncer who had passed by him to investigate the unearthly noise in the alleyway before entering the [i]Mystique[/i] uncontested. Taking a spot at the bar and catching the bartenders attention with the natural charismatic ease of the devil himself he merely requested "Two dragon baby shots please." Before turning to look over the club while he awaited his order.