NPC: Jimmy Dunnevan Purpose: Random Passersby (This one is only for Corey.) What you can get out of interacting with him: He bought Corey's good quality machete ( ) before the apocalypse. He now resides in his apartment, desperate for food. He's willing to sell anything to get money to buy from Martha Stewart, who sells breakfast burritos next doors. Location: His apartment that was almost destroyed but can still serve as a shelter. Hint: You can enslave him if you want. There are two ways to do it. Making yourself feared or making yourself loved. When he is enslaved out of fear, he is more obedient to you but also more likely to backstab you. When he is enslaved out of love, he is less obedient to you but also less likely to backstab you. Another hint: You can kill him and harvest his organs, which sell for great price in the black market. Just make sure you put his organ on ice so it won't rot.