Carolina got up when they finally told him the test's were over. He stopped however, looking at the twins shrugging he decide now was as good a time as any. "Hey you two wait up!" He jogged up beside them. "I'm Carolina, you two must be North and South, the twins. I heard you guys are some of the favorites for this. I don't think I'll make the cut personally. I don't even know why I'm here, how did you two get picked for this dog and pony show?" He yawned and stretched, there was no way someone could be this relaxed with all this stress and pressure to do well yet here was Carolina calm almost looking bored. As he spoke you could see a shift, if just for a moment, his eyes dart examining others as they passed, learning everything about the room. From the way his eyes moved it was clear his brain was moving at a million miles an hour. He looked like he knew how to take care of the entire of the room before he sighed and the relax carefree attitude flowed back he smiled shutting his eyes. You get the feeling this guy is a hell of a lot better than he seems. "You mind if I join you two in the mess, after this I'm hitting the training room then down to vehicle bay then maybe a nap." He yawned as he walked alongside them, he seemed to be joining whether you wanted his company or not. In his mind however he had just seen most of his competition, half the room thinks they have failed, another third thinks they just took top slot and the remaining are to damn good for me to tell. Still gives me a idea of who really is good and whose more than likely out of it, I guess tomorrow will tell us more. Still I know there to start eliminating people soon I mean not all of us can stay, I know I'm in the top half but I'm not top mark... Now seeing the rest of them I know in better shape than I thought, still I need to know whose on top of all this. That way I get a idea of how things descend from there.