Viper: "I am neither though being an dark elf I guess I would be backing the Imperials if I were to chose a side. Now get out of my way." Unknown Person 1: "Braves words for an dark elf and murder. We know what you are, those clothes belong to the Dark Brotherhood and I don't think you took them by killing one of them. I think you are one of them." Viper: "I guess a girl like me can't hide it from the great detective such as you, but you know I can't let you leave and let people know about me. but don't worry you will be with Sithis soon." By this point the second person had there weapon out, they planned on killing this dark elf now, she was mocking them and treating them like they were the town fools if they were in a town. Two on one would not be hard, it would just mean more effort on her part though in the distance another person appeared and this person was carrying a bow. This person was dressed in Stormcloak clothing, he was with the other two yet that would not be apparent yet. The signal was given, the two closet to Viper had there weapons drawn. Viper: "Hmmmmmmm is there someone else out there too, you boys are sneaky but you seem to have forgotten someone else is here." Unknown Person 1: "The Stormcloaks will win this war but first we need to remove you from our nation." Viper soon took a step back as one had now taken a swing at her, the swing was very brute like. Clearly this person was a caveman and the other would probably be the same as well. Viper had her bow out at this moment though soon dropped her bow just to pull her special dagger out. The person in the background by this point was readying his bow. Her dagger soon clashed with the weapon of one of the soldiers, it was used to block the incoming weapon and try to deflect it away though the weapon was much bigger then hers. Of course seeing this Shadowmere started coming to aid the dark elf, he was known to beat people to death.