[i]Remember these days while you can, because soon I'll be the only thing people remember.[i] Sixty years after the creation of the Republic City spirit portal, Avatar Korra died for the two worlds she guarded. She accomplished much in her life, stopping the great Equalist revolution, keeping the Dark Avatar Unalaq from shaping the world in his own view, defeating the Red Lotus, and putting an end to Kurvira's Earth Empire. She also united the physical and spirit worlds, allowing beings to travel to and from as they please. With the third spirit portal being created, this became much easier for normal people. Her final gift to the world was creating a fourth spirit portal in the heart of the fire nation to allow spirits and people to visit more areas of their worlds, at the ultimate cost of her life. Just as she died, a child was born in the earth kingdom by the Name of Han. Far away in uncharted territory, a group of people plan on eradicating history in hopes of creating their own, in hopes of being viewed as gods in the new world.