Zeven had begun to wonder around the docks. Trying his best to not draw attention, or crate any trouble. the name for the station hardly fit how it actually acted. Graveyard Station felt just as alive as any planet. Though underneath all of this life, He could feel the pain of many sudden deaths. From what he could tell many of the other Jedi around him had felt it also. some seemed to speek of it amongst themselves. Zeven walked about for a little while until he found a corner that was without a group of robes filling it. Turning around to look back he could see his governments group of delegates had finally gotten off of the ship and were heading his way. As they pasted one approached me handing me a comm and stating that they were going to their assigned rooms. Zeven nodded and took the comm in hand then set it into a pocket in his robe. Sitting on a small cargo box he felt a little lonesome. Most of the Jedi had at least come with someone with their order that they were apart of. At least coming here he could figure out if he wanted to join any of them. Zeven sighed then pulled out his master's lightsaber. He was sure that his master would of wanted to be here, but he had no idea what his master would of wanted to do here. With a sigh Zeven put his master's lightsaber back on his belt, and decided he would try to people watch.