Based on the world of Frozen, you play as the servants within the castle as Elsa and Anna grow up. The castle has been blocked off by the outside world; and all the servants within alone know the secret. Keep it hidden. Keep it safe. This will play a bit like Gossip Girl or Pretty Little Liars in a way; I the GM will randomly choose one servant with a bit of gossip about Elsas powers, or propoganda about the kingdom. The chosen player will continue to spread as much propaganda as possible and its up to the other servants to discover who is spreading these words about their Kingdom, and apprehend them to dispel the rumors. The Secret Servant I choose will be PMed all the things I want spread about the kingdom. However, sometimes the gossip will not go outside the palace. Rumors of other servants and the Royal family themselves will be spread. What is your motivation I may ask? With your character sheet you will send me your own secret; and I will hold that over you to force you to do the bidding of the GM (AKA, The Hooded Man). At the end of every cycle a New Secret Servant will be chosen as the Rumor spreader. Will you Keep It Secret? I expect everyone to understand the rules of common sense. I'll be watching you. CS: Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Personality: Background: How did you come to be employed for the Royals of Arendelle?: PM me your secret.