Hello! It's been a while since I've done a Maximum Ride based role play so I'm kinda hoping someone will be interested in starting one with me. :) I have a couple ideas depending on the possible pairings. Others we may have to collaberate on when it comes to a plot. ** - Means I have a plot/idea Avian x Avian Scientist x Avian ** Eraser x Avian * Scientist x Eraser Normal person x Avian Other Mutant x avian ------- [u]Scientist x Avian[/u] While growing up in the horrid school, this avian was not completely alone. He/she found a friend in the daughter/son of the head scientist there. It didn't make things much easier but it was nice to have the company. As the years went by, the avian was finally able to escape the school, leaving their friend behind. Years later, our characters will probably be around 21-ish, they are reunited when the avian gets caught by the school once again. This time his old friend is not just a bystander but instead one of the scientists working there. [u]Eraser x Avian[/u] This is just a small idea. But I was thinking that they could have changed an avian into an eraser, therefore he/she still has wings. Then maybe she/he meets up with her old flock after all this time but is instead hunting them due to the instinct/training of an eraser.