[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/o8CA3JS.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Co-Gm: RyuShura[/center] [center][b]Planet Name[/b]: Arion[/center] [center][b]Location[/b]: Antaeus System [/center] The premise of this RP will revolve around two high ranking Soldiers that have found the truth about their government and what is really going on, on New Earth or Arion. You will be playing a mix of different races that we've made up, (Or you're own if you would like, just PM the idea and I'll give you the Okay to make it) and be recruited by Mine and Co-GM, RyuShura, characters. To fight an enemy, once thought eradicated, now back to take back Arion from both the previous Majority race and the other races now inhabiting the planet. They will stop at nothing to take back their once clean planet. [hider=Short History] In the year 2116, we left our dying planet and searched the galaxy for somewhere to call "home" once again. We found a total number of six different planets within our reach, and embarked on a journey to colonize them. It seemed we did not learn our lesson the first time around; and one by one, we lived on these planets for a period of a few decades each before draining them too of their resources and moving on to the next. When we reached the final planet, a grim reality sunk into our minds. There was nowhere else to go after we too use all of the resources here. This would be our final resting ground, and a conflict arose in how we should distribute our precious resources.In our selfishness, we battled amongst ourselves. We were on the verge of killing ourselves off until we were contacted by a race that seemed thousands of years more advanced than we were. They called themselves the "Lei'loni." They told us of another planet, one that was 5 times bigger than the planet we called Jupiter in the old solar system. On it were the resources needed to sustain our race for another whole millenia. What surprised us was that the place they suggested we colonize to was their very own planet. It was then explained, that since they were more "machine than flesh", they would not require as much of the planet's resources as we did. As a display of generosity, they had been gathering races on the brink of extinction and offering them too "second chances." This meant that we would be sharing planet with these other races. As with all the others, they offered this "second chance" only if we would accept a few conditions. As per to these terms, they would allow us to live among the other races on one half of their planet, but in return, we would give half of everything we owned at the end of each year as a "tithe." And by half of everything we owned, they also meant we'd be giving them our offspring. These terms were harsh, but judging by our grim state, there wasn't really much of a question whether we should or not. The only problem remaining was that it was located millions of light-years across the galaxy, way too far for our ships or bodies are able to trek. Even if we were to leave that very day, our resources would have been exhausted in only a quarter of the time it would take. They had foreseen this fact, the Lei'Loni having already sent a convoy to retrieve us. It seemed they had no doubt we would refuse their offer.In a few days they arrived, showing our dark night skies with lights that shadowed the stars. We couldn't believe our eyes, the massive gleaming fleet that hovered above, and the heavenly beings that came down to welcome us. The year was 2237 when we finalized the exchange that would hand to our death-bound race the gift of "life", and embark on their ships to a place where we could call "home." It has been half a century since that time, and only now, these many years later, did we realize that we, and the other races, had agreed to become slaves. [/hider] [center][b][u]Races[/u][/b][/center] [u][b]Human[/b][/u]: This race is the one of the most numerous among those of the star-faring races, having multiplied their already vast population in such a short span. Due to their only recent advancement to Warp-Drive technology, they are one of the most inexperienced with the culture and have almost no standings among the other races.They are very basic in comparison to many other races, and offer no real strengths nor weakness at all. However they are the most technologically advanced in weapons, only under that of the Lel'Loni. [u][b]"The Forgotten"[/b][/u]: Humans that are tithed, and genetically modified to be "better" in every way but this race lacks certain personality traits. (I.E: Cant love, cant find happiness, the more extreme cases could be that they have emotion but cannot display them so they are extremely flat toned and straight faced most of the time) [u][b]Arthos[/b][/u]: Another recently discovered race composed of insectoids, while mainly primitive, they are considered a massive threat due to their relatively rapid evolution. They, along with the humans, share having the most members of the races.Contrary to popular belief, they are very cunning and intelligent; however, what truly sets them apart from other races is their special form of reproduction that allows them to gradually assimilate useful genes from consuming organic bio-mass at birth. They are mostly very large, hulking forms that stand a little over 8 ft in height. Their average life span is relatively short, that of only a short century. Their jagged mouths don't allow for words used in our communication, but through a subtle telepathy established from "learning" from a member of the specified race, they have adapted to speak to us in our languages.They are viewed with disgust among the other space-faring races, but nonetheless, are given respect out of their useful nature as very effective mercenaries. [u][b]Dolorian[/b][/u]: A plant race consisting of "gentle" creatures with a massive attitude. These beings were said to live freely on New Terra, but were forced slowly onto the human side of the planet. Re'Kelzan had deemed them too free thinking and so they were "asked" to leave and go on the "filths" side. Dolorians range in appearance but for the most part retain a humanoid shape. Dolorians come with a number of pros, one being they can reproduce asexually. They tend to grow extremely fast as well and when near or around water based substances, they grow in strength and size. Dolorians are also "immortal" so to speak, as they cannot die of age unless killed. When a Dolorian takes near fatal damage, they release millions of pollens that will allow them to enter a stage of rebirth. As long as there is a source of water nearby, they will begin to regrow, this process is painfully slow and takes days to grow back into a child size form again. WIth the pros however comes their cons, they are extremely vulnerable to fire on their own. On top of this, dry or water barren areas make them much weaker, to the point that they reduce into a "power saving" mode so to speak. In this form they are reduced to the size of a human 8 year old and are incredibly slow. [u][b]Lei'Loni[/b][/u]: Having stripped away their flesh long ago to overcome the weakness of flesh, the members of the Lei'Loni are "born" with a body mostly composed of machine. The only thing that still resembled an organ are their brains, which are modified to be equal of that to a computer, able to calculate complex processes and allow the Lei'Loni to retain vast amounts of information even with a mere glance. They are genderless, but most state a more masculine or feminine personality. Placed within the body of each member of this race is a powerful energy core called the "Aa'Rum" that is said to last forever. Because of the rarity of the material used for such a core, the population of this race is rather low. With this "Immortality" they view themselves as Gods among those of the lesser races. (Basic Example of what they look like) [hider=Basic look] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/077/8/b/Char_alien_design_eclipse_2_by_eWKn.jpg[/img] [/hider] This race is divided into three groups and two different mindsets. You have the Royalty of the Lei'Loni called the Yol'Mudi. The Yol'Mudi are the most humanoid looking out of the races, this group is extremely controlling and are the most hateful of all three groups. They are extremist who think the galaxy should be theirs, however they are not stupid and understand that making an enemy out of the other empires in the galaxy is foolish. This group is the strongest mentally wise, though their strength rivals that of some of the strongest races of the galaxy. (Ex of what they look like:) [hider=Yo'Mudi] [img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/155/0/f/on_target_by_madspartan013-d67v27t.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/293/c/2/oni_by_ignusdei-d6r912b.jpg[/img] [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/050/f/b/bounty_by_sttheo-d5vhps5.jpg[/img] [/hider] The next group are the Mon'Daar, this is the middle class of the Lei'Loni. The Mon'Daar are mixed in size, though most consist of much bigger beings, rivaling the size of some Arthos. This group is the ones that are the workers of the "hive" they are extremely simple minded and follow orders given by higher ranking Lei'Loni without question. They are given a task to do each day like a worker bee and once done go back to their living quaters. They are physically the strongest of the three groups and extremely durable. Killing a Mon'Daar is arguably one of the hardest thing to do. ( Example of what they look like:) [hider=Mon'Daar] [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/302/5/c/demiurg_armour_by_kagerott-d6s82wq.jpg[/img] [img]http://www7.pic-upload.de/12.10.13/3myhvdavkrc8.jpg[/img] [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/072/5/f/ter_army_heavy_armour_troop_by_mohzart-d5xxsld.jpg[/img] [/hider] The last class is of the ones who are born to be the race's warriors, the Tol'Shul. They are the vanguard that oversees and ensures that all operations run smoothly for the Lei'Loni. While not exactly "simple-minded", they are only versed in combat and military strategy, drilled harshly for years until they are the fitting "elite" that police the planet. Lei'Loni are already feared as being one of the most dangerous beings to cross in the galaxy, but there is nothing more terrifying than being targeted by a Tol'Shul. They will get results. Regarded as being the "perfect warriors", they have sleek bodies that greatly resemble the royal Yol'Mudi they are assigned to protect while also containing the strength and durability of the middle class, Mon'Daar. (Example Appearance:) [hider=Tol'Shul] [img]http://www.kekaiart.com/uploads/5/4/7/6/5476798/2678038_orig.jpg[/img] [/hider] Lastly, There are always those "glitches" one that are born with a screw loose, figuratively and literally speaking, who do not follow the mindset of their whole are known as the Kof'Yurr, banished to the other side of the planet to live among the Lower Races. [hider=Rules] -Mine and RyuShura's word is absolute, if we ask you to change something, please don't argue the matter. Especially if it comes to Balancing. -While yes some of the characters can be rude and snobby, please be kind to other RPers. If you have a problem with another, settle it on your own time in PMs. -No God Moding, though for the most part we will be facing enemies that are stronger than our own. -Unless given Permission, please do not move or talk for another Person's character. ***BIGGEST RULE*** -Have fun! RP is for fun, don't forget that [/hider]