Iowa was pleased that he had passed the first stage. Once he had assembled his battle rifle he heard his name being called. He entered the ‘arena’ and announced his presence; “Agent Iowa present and ready” with that the test began, the obstacle course was harder than he had expected but He managed it in an above average time. He moved to shooting range grabbing the battle rifle. He had obviously had a good day when the voice told him he had reached 75% accuracy. The next test called was hand to hand combat, He was one of the lucky ones that I could spa against some simulations. He managed a fantastic 87% pass He was extremely pleased with himself after that. It had been some time since Iowa had been in a high end simulation like this one but he was it was soon going to end. “Agent Iowa Round three is based on your specialty which for you is medical work. You will be given a wounded soldier your objective is to eliminate the enemies and keep your patient from bleeding out whilst under heavy fire, Good hunting agent.” After F.I.L.I.S had stopped speaking the room came to life again. Blocks rose from the ground to make High and low cover. He moved over to the patient and the simulation started. He immediately popped up his field projector and moved his patient to heavy cover. He looked up and spotted the turrets on either side Iowa knew the moment he popped up he would get ploughed down. He knew that he had to create a distraction. He could guess that the turrets are heat seeking so he grabbed his ‘EVAC’ flare and threw it in furthest corner of the room. Whilst the turrets were distracted he used his DMR and took out two of the three turrets. Time was counting down until his patient bled out, he knew he couldn't leave him, which would be an instant mission failure. All of a sudden his wrist beeped with a message: ‘Cleared for equipment usage’ He threw down his field and ran knowing that it would protect the patient from incoming fire. He moved from cover to cover and found the last turret. His wrist buzzed and read a message: [i]'armor energy now at 10%'[/i]. He didn't have time for this. He waited in cover to calibrate his armor, he was now without a HUD and a motion tracker. Iowa had to move fast now he was sure that he only had a couple more seconds until his patient bled out, he was pretty sure that the patient wasn't just a dummy. He popped around his cover and emptied his mag the turret was down but he had taken a few hits, thank good they were just rubber. Once it was disabled the room changed back to normal. and the so called 'Dummy' was dragged off by staff. All of a sudden F.I.L.S.S came back on the speaker. “Thank you Agent Iowa on that round you ranked in at a percentage of 65% efficiency Congratulations that is your best score to date. You may proceed back into return to your fellow combatants.” "Bull shit No way my equipment drained that much energy" He muttered to him self walking back to the room where he had been waiting During the waiting time Iowa was studying the agents. They were certainly an odd bunch. He moved to his locker and took off his Armour revealing his buzz cut blonde hair and crystal blue eyes and then moved to the canteen, he thought he was on his own until he caught someone at the door of the canteen. He approached her, he knew the chances of her being in his group were minimal but he might as well take it, he introduced himself “Hello, I could be mistaken but I believe you were in my group,” I extended my hand “My name is Agent Iowa and if I'm correct You’re Agent California.”