Carolina laughed, South was very funny and North seemed like a good guy, definitely the stronger of the two. "Well if your trying to think of a nickname my old squad used to call me captain loud mouth. But Ollie is good, but you find a better one and you can use that. Anyway I'm more in South boat's I guess, I'm to smart for my own good, I used to be a infantry officer then spent a few rotation with the Admiralty on black ops missions. I've just got a gift when it comes to people and knowing what they plan on doing." He pointed to a one of the crew, a guy who looked like he was hitting on a female agent. "In three seconds she's going to punch him in the nose, kick him in the shin, and give him a knee to the forehead for the stupid pick up line he just used." Like magic, the women's fist connected with the guys nose, a sickening crack then a howl of pain from him as she struck his shin bone lastly as his head came done wrapping his hands around his legs her knee met his forehead, the sound metal hitting bone was not pleasant. He smiled at the site his prediction spot on as a group medical officers rushed in most of the room barely noticing. "Now just cause I see this stuff doesn't make me good, I can tell what your going to do. Doesn't mean I have the skill to stop it, normally I just avoid it or remove myself from a situation that looks bad. If your wondering how I know all this, I can read lips, I have a masters degree in science of lying and body language as well PHD in psychology. I'm not a great soldier I just know people better than they know themselves and it helps me solve problems." He smiled like a man holding a 21 at the start of a game at black jack. "Relax, I'm trying to make friends here, get the feeling that with a project like this they will want to get rid of us at some point down the road, might as well go ahead and start having friend and allies for when the day comes." He seemed more scientist than soldier, yet with all that training and ability you get the feeling he could really be one of the top slots in live combat perhaps not as good in training sessions though. "What are your specialties around here?"