California stopped at the strange outburst from South Dakota, looking over at the girl she shook her head before turning away, about to move on when suddenly a guy appeared in front of her. Funny, he looked like he could be related to North and South, maybe he was. She doubted it; otherwise he’d probably be over there with them instead of here with her. That and the Dakota’s thing seemed to be blue, but she was pretty sure this guy had been in red and black amour. Either way she took an unconscious step backwards at the extended hand and, after a suspicious glance, she reached out and shook it. She wasn’t in this to make friends, but she wasn’t going to go out of her way to be rude either. “You would be correct.” She confirmed, though honestly had no idea what to say next. Casual chit-chat had never really been her thing. “You’ll um… have to forgive me… I don’t remember you at all.” Whilst a lot of the other agents had been sizing up the competition, studying them, she had been focusing solely on herself. Knowing how good the others were was not going to get her any more points in this game.