Once again the look on the man’s face put North on edge. This time he knew he had seen anything and, subconsciously he cast a protective glace at South, who seemed oblivious to what he was seeing, however as if sensing his gaze on her the girl did look over at him. It was weird how used to the amour he was, how it hid so much emotion from the outside world. His words weren’t any more comforting. “I’m guessing the amour makes a lot of what you do difficult though.” South Suddenly spoke up, turning her gaze back to the other man. “I mean so much of body langue is small things in the face, which you wouldn’t be able to see when they’re wearing amour. You’d only have body movement to go off; it’d also eliminate the possibility of lip reading.” North wasn’t surprised by this at all, it hadn't been something he’d thought about himself but it made sense. “I’m a sharp shooter.” He quickly interrupted, trying to steer the conversation away from the previous topic. He thought it was rather bold of the guy to be talking so openly about it, surely this place had ears everywhere. “Not really much to explain… I take shots and most of the time I hit things. I’m a lot more proficient with long range weapons, the sniper probably being my favourite for obvious reasons. But I’m still fine at close range with firearms.” It didn’t translate to hand to hand combat very well, but once again this small piece of information he kept to himself. “Information technology… for lack of a better word I guess.” South shrugged casually. It was obvious she was a lot more at ease than her brother was. “Never met a computer problem I couldn’t solve yet.” She seemed entirely confident in her abilities and cast the slightest glace sideways at North for a moment, smiling in a seemingly innocent matter before turning back to Ollie. “Locks and classified information are my personal favourite. People get so creative when they’re trying to protect stuff.”