Hello there. In recent times I have had a very specific craving, in relation to role-playing or writing in general. I have gained some interest in a narrative where multiple writers are given specific prompts or things to base their pieces on, which wind together into a story no one person controls. Not too different from any regular RP if at all, but I would like to give it a go. In the world of Mysterra a collapse has occurred. The king of the sun has died, leaving an open throne, and a large powerful country under no rule. While this would usually not be a problem in most kingdoms, Soliar runs by a different set of rules. It is always led by a god. The late king Colier, has ruled his land for nearly 300 years now, and has mysteriously died, murdered most likely. Though this story isn't about how he dies, (well not completely.) it's more about, who will be chosen for the throne? Who will we ascend form and gain the power to rule. This throne will not remain empty for long. It is open to whoever is willing and strong enough to claim it. A simple guideline yes, but it is to be built upon. While I have vague plot points and story to hit upon, I more want this Rp to be open and expansive. Meaning people should do their best to create their own plots and add to the world. As I spoke earlier, I want each person to build upon some basis. Though I don't want this basis to be the same. The way I pictured this was, each person who would join, would be given a random prompt for a character (ex: The blood-knight) and would create something of their own design from the base I threw at them. Hopefully bringing a thematic yet diverse and original cast. Having a specific kind of prompt would likely change what sort of character you are tasked to control/create, and thus someone who would want to make a valiant hero, may end up with something more like a sly villain, but that is the point. Make something from something instead of nothing. Some quick prompts from the top f my head could be things such as: "Right hand of the angel" "The doll maker" "They who does not fall" "The flag bearer" And so on. Kinda weird formatting here so sorry for making you read it all backwards and whatnot like this but hey. I'm dumb. If you're interested then leave a little comment.