The blade tore free of the woman's torso as her left leg began to move, and even as it arced back toward her right leg Arthur knew his trap had been a success. Not only had he baited her into making a foolish attack with little chance of success, but he even managed to arrange things so perfectly that his intended course of action required no deviation in order to avert her strike. The blade would come back to his right as intended, cutting through her right knee as it did so, and catch her left calf just below the knee on the back side of the crossguard. From there the power of the swing, combined with his unshakeable footing, would be more than enough to use the extending leg as leverage to shift her entire body, rotating it to her right and removing his head, chest, and shoulders from harms way, as well as forcing her off-balance. All this, in addition to very likely crippling the giantess, with no deviation from his original intent. Either he was a much better tactician than even he thought he was, or he was just plain lucky. At this point though, he'd honestly take either one.