Fully armed and armored now, Cassandra dutifully followed as the group walked through the hangar. The diplomatic attaches and security force was once again as large as allowed. This time though, she was glad for his arrogance, it allowed her to actually adequately protect the poor bastard for once. However she very quickly had to resist the urge to stab him herself as the man snaked an arm around her waist. "You really should reconsider becoming my Telbun, I'm sure I could convince my father to allow it. Your family would be set for life." Every muscle screamed to strangle the shit for his suggestion and presuming she would do it for a big enough check. However she managed to hold back. "Thank you sir, but it would be unprofessional and unseemly. You must present yourself in a manner appropriate for your station sir." She said, her voice emotionless while she thanked every god in the galaxy for the tinted visor on her helmet. If one could see inside the helmet they would see gritted teeth and eyes promising a very painful death. She was thankful as their path brought them by some Jedi on the docks. She managed to extricated herself in the name of establishing the standard distance required between them and her charge.