(I'll leave this one short, as there isn't much deviation from the previous attack, and no counter-attack is attempted) Seeing Solomon pop a foot out to his right to move out of the way of the oncoming swarm of bullets, Killstreak chuckled, and aimed his right gun carefully at Solomon's ankle, which took him less than a fraction of a second to do. Firing it repeatedly just as the extreme's right foot rose from the ground to join the other, intending to blast it clean off. It was worth noting that each shot fired with those revolvers produced two bullets, as it had two barrels on top of each other.With a yawn, he deported his left-hand revolver into his inventory while still firing a steady stream of bullets with his right, and withdrew the communication device that Arthur Greystoke had sent him prior to his arrival at the tournament grounds. A "Cellphone" was what he had called it. He scrolled through his contact list, which was very small, and selected "Mr.Greystoke" - before composing a text message, which was the apparent technical term. "Sup? Hf U k1LL3d t3h n00bz y3t?!?11+" He glanced over at Solomon. The spray of bullets was closing in on his ankle. "Pwn1ng a n3wb in t3h d3s3rt. lawl." He pulled up the phone and took a picture of Solomon, during the exact moment of which the bullets would hit his ankle. He saved it, and sent it to Arthur with the caption "G3tt1ng Rekt."