With a groan, the elderly man shifted his right hand ever so slightly. The halberd from his back appeared in his hand upside down, and the gladius returned to its sheathe in its place. With its wide flat blade, the halberd provided a rather efficient tool for planting into the ground. And its length was just as useful. Solomon pushed down with his right hand, placing the blade between his foot and the bullets and lifting his right foot upwards. Solomon used the halberd as a stilt to lift his ankle out of the path of Leetus's assault. The bullets did, however, strike the blade of his halberd and explode. Tearing the handle from the blade with their explosion and force. With a deep sigh he looked at the man who was still down the hill, just a little outside of his reach. Solomon's feet touched down as the now broken halberd vanished from his hand, replaced by the leather sling. Pre-loaded with a pair of stones. This boy was starting to get on his nerves, so cock sure of himself, and with no particular skill. Honestly, if he didn't know any better, he would think that he was somehow cheating. Solomon began winding up the sling, swinging it around and around by his side. "Boy, you are beginning to aggravate me."