Plopping a bunch of Info Here so I don't forget, will be tweaking it and adding info as I play:
The way DungeonWorld is built, is to take some of the narrative power from the GM and give it to the players. So instead of being railroaded down a certain path, there are instead situations where you are required to roll dice, and then act off of the result.

When in a game that uses dice, you end up using dice syntax a lot; which is as follows XdY+(modifier)

X = How many Dice
Y= How many sides the dice have
(modifier) = What you add.

When in a game that uses dice, you end up using dice syntax alot; which is as follows XdY+(modifier)

X = How many Dice
Y= How many sides the dice have
(modifier) = What you add.

At the end of this post, you'll notice a character Named Iris Zelenki who is an Elvish Bard, we'll use her for our examples. If Iris were going to swing her sword at someone. What would she roll?

Well, let's see.

In the hider below, listed are different situations in which you'd be required to roll. The first one is "When trying to damage something in melee range, roll 2d6+STR."

So that means, 2 Dice with 6 sides + Strength modifiers.

Modifiers, are how much you add to the dice, which is based off of your Attribute score.

Any score from 1-4 gives you a -2 Modifier
9-11 = -1
13-15 = +1
16 - 18 = +2
>19 = +3

Iris has a strength of 8, which means we subtract 1 frm her roll. So whenever tries to damage something within melee range, she rolls 2 dice, with 6 sides, minus 1. Or in dice syntax 2d6-1. After that, she would roll damage (her DMG is d6, meaning she always rolls 1d6+ whatever modifiers to her damage that might come up.)

Keep Dice syntax in mind as you read WHEN you HAVE to roll.

In Dungeon World your stats are the backbone of your character. They decide what your character IS and IS NOT good at.

(STR) Strength: Strength is how hard you can hit, how high you can lift, how much you can carry, and if you can just bullrush your way through attacks. Strength seperates the weaklings from the Olympiads.

(CON) Constitution: Constitution decides your health, how well you can take a punch, if you can just shrug off attacks, and helps you block others from getting hurt (with your rippling bounds of sensory deprived flesh.)

(DEX) Dexterity: How well you can aim, dodge, point a rapier, or shoot a bow.

(INT) Intelligence: Effects how much you know about the world, you use this when trying to remember things, or trying to think your way out of a situation

(WIS) Wisdom: You use this when you start studying a person or situation, it's also good for when you need the willpower to continue on.

(CHA) Charisma: This is what you use for when you lie, try to seduce that cute guy behind the bar, or convince a guard you're telling the truth
Now, you have your stats, you have your character, and you're writing your post, but when exactly are you supposed to roll? Well, I've written this bit up to explain when you absolutely have to roll, no if ands or buts.

The items in DungeonWorld use a narrative based "Tag" system to describe the aspects of the item, and it's uses. These tags are explained below.

Character Creation is based off of "Classes" or "Playbooks" The extra tidbits that are unique to your character are in your playbook. Your class gives you extra abilities and extra chances to roll dice! When Creating a character, make sure to copy ALL of the playbook and ONLY delete what's missing: At the end you'll see an example of a properly done sheet.

Example Sheet: