[centre][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120406202647/jurassicpark/images/1/1d/Jurassic-park-2-1024.jpg[/img][/centre] [centre][u][b]Jurassic Park: The Ambitions of Man[/b][/u][/centre] It has been 15 years since the Jurassic Park incident on Isla Nublar and 11 years since the incident on Isla Sorna. People are very well aware of the existence of the magnificent creatures on this island. With that in mind, the U.S government and Costa Rica Government are working together to try and keep these islands away from man and to prevent any of the creatures from escaping. However, a genetics company named Vita want to try and accomplish what the Hammond family and InGen could not. They want to create their very own dinosaur park. The island Isla Nublar has lain dormant for many years, with people being warned and shoved away from the island; a lucky few sometimes manage to sneak past security but they do not always come back alive… Vita is organizing a Special team to retrieve samples from the island and to document the creatures living there. This team will be full of different professions and backgrounds, ranging from military to academic. The team will arrive by boat towards the port located on the west side of the island. This is the most important mission to the company so, Vita is gambling a lot on this. The team has been given an open chequebook for whatever they want. They’ll be equipped with the latest vehicles, weaponry, research equipment etc. The mission is highly top secret, with only a few higher ups from the Vita Corporation knowing the true details. They have managed to bribe and blackmail their path towards the island, so the US military will simply stand idle as it lets the ship go through. This mission will be dangerous and possibly fatal but it is not without merit or beauty as this is a trip of a lifetime. The team who enter it’s pernicious realm will not be the same again… [centre][img]http://www.jurassicworldnews.com/media/jurassicpark4movie.jpg[/img][/centre] [b]_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________[/b] This will be set after first three films but before the fourth. I'm not sure what year Jurassic World is set but due to the technology in the trailer, I highly doubt they were constructing the park on Isla Nublar in 2008. You will be shipped off to the island to retrieve samples of dinosaurs and plant life. You can collect the samples from any dinosaur but certain dinosaurs are a must have for Vita. [hider=Rules]1. No Godmodding, metagaming, BEING THE ULTIMATE BEING or crap like that 2. No offensive language or discrimination to each other in the OOC, be nice to each other, yeah guys :) (go crazy in the IC though) 3. Gore is a preference but not a requirement, I really want this to be bloody like the novels (but still in the lore of the films). NO GORY PICS THOUGH. Keep it in the literature. 4. Romance is fine but if you want anything more than a snog then give me a PM. 5. Post at least 2-3 paragraphs. They can be small, medium or big, just as long as there's a few. 6. Basic Grammar and spelling and the such. Typos and small mistakes are fine but I will PM you if the post is mostly unreadable. 7. No ghosting. I don't want you to make a few posts and then disappear. I know life can sometimes make RPing inconvenient but at least send me a PM that you can't continue, that way I can arrange to have your character killed off). If you haven't posted within 4-5 days then I will PM you. 8. You can all control the dinosaurs but be realistic with them. 9. I reserve the right to change any rules as I see fit. (I will notify you guys if there is a change in rules) 10. Have fun and welcome to Jurassic Park! :D[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet]Name: Age: Gender: Occupation/Role: (There is a choice of several archetypes below) Appearance: (A pic is preferable but not mandatory) Personality: History: Equipment: (This can range from the stuff in your backpack to your pockets) Other: (Anything else you might want to add? This is the only part of the CS that isn't mandatory to fill out)[/hider] [hider=Roles]Secruity: Their job is to make sure that everyone, including themselves, enters and leaves the island in one piece. They are tough bad asses that have been given as much firepower as they need for this expedition. Paleontologist/Paleonbotanist: Their job is to collect the samples from the dinosaurs and plant life on the island. The sample can be found in the pee, poo, skin or even hair. As long as it is a part of the dinosaur that contains its DNA. These people will consist of both professors and students. Their knowledge of the creatures on this island is invaluable and will be extremely useful to the rest of people on this expedition. Hunter: The job for a hunter is a mix of both security and adventuring. Their main ability here is their experience with dangerous creatures in a jungle environment. They know what's like to face a beast right in the eyes. They're also able to read tracks and sense whether danger might be ahead. They might also be able to tell if they're being hunted... Doctor: Quite self explanatory here, their job is to deal with any injuries or illnesses that the group might contract. This is a very important role in the group, injuries will be inevitable. Engineer: Their job is to make sure that all the equipment is working. They'll be in charge of the gadgets and the vehicles, if they're something wrong with your equipment then you go to this person. They can also create certain gadgets to help with the group. Photographer/Cameraman: Last but not least, these people are on the expedition to document the creatures, surroundings and the ruins of Jurassic Park itself. Other: If you have any ideas for a role that isn't the list then tell me about it. It has to be relevant to the expedition though. A baker or dentist would be more than useless. XD[/hider] [hider=Mandatory Dinosaur Samples]Tyrannosaurus Rex Velociraptor Triceratops Brachiosaurus Stegosaurus Brontosaurus[/hider] [hider=Vehicles][img]http://www.athensbooksblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/1996-Fleetwood-Southwind-Storm-The-Lost-World-Jurassic-Park.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.jurassicpark.sk/plugins/gallery/includes/image.php?pic=L3d3dy96L2UvdTIwMTgvcHVibGljX2h0bWwvcGFya2luZy9qdXJhc3NpYy9nYWxsZXJ5L2xvc3Rfd29yZF9jYXJfY29uY2VwdC9QRFZEXzA4MS5qcGc=&h=430&w=642,642,430,pdvd%20081.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.roverparts.com/CommonImages/1997_landrover_defender_6309-300x189.jpg[/img] If you have any other ideas for vehicles then don't be afraid to vocalize them. Any ideas are welcome :)[/hider] [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2009/002/5/5/Map_of_the_Isla_Nublar_by_Draco_Saurian.png]Map of Isla Nublar[/url] We'll be docking in the port on the west side of the island. Remember, the Vita corporation have given the team an open cheque so you are allowed to have any piece of equipment you want (It has to be realistic and have a purpose of course). There are no reservations for the roles. We can have more than one person in any role. If we don't have anyone for a certain role, then they'll be played by an NPC. If you have any questions then don't be afraid to ask but more importantly: Have fun! :D [centre][img]https://metricfunk27.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/food_fight_l2.jpg?w=474&h=211[/img][/centre]