In the darkness, he watched her silhouetted form, staying silent as she collected herself. Taking in deep breaths of his own, he willed his heart rate to normalize while fighting the dull waves of pain that rippled across his back. The tissue started to knit back together, and while it was not a wholly comfortable feeling, it was a relief. A battle with creatures with such low-vibration energies could have been devastating for him. This time, it was barely enough to impede his healing rate. It may take a few days, but it was immensely better than the months of agony that could have resulted, were it not for the young woman lashing out. Silently, he thanked The Creator for gifting his kind with impressive healing abilities. He was a bit surprised at how quickly the woman calmed. Normally when blissfully ignorant humans had a run-in with the preternatural, they panic- they snap, lash out or simply collapse. She showed little to no signs of a mental break, instead she simply expressed concern over him. He could not help but give a small smile. Though their meeting has not been the best, and they had not been together long, Samuel found himself liking her. At least, he found himself more and more intrigued by her oddities. The smile fell just as quickly as it came, however, as once again he began puzzling over her powers. After a moment, he cleared his throat and answered. "It is shallow, I will be fine." With that, he pushed himself off the wall, wincing only slightly as he stepped forward and carefully stepping around the dark shape he knew was hers. "I am turning on the light, watch your eyes" He said, waiting a few seconds before moving to the light in the center of the room and tugging on the cord, knowing exactly where it was due to habit and familiarity with the storage room. As the bulb flickered on and light flooded the room, it revealed a treasure-trove of history. Boxes and crates were stacked high, labeled in various languages, from Arabic to Japanese, English to Russian. Shelves lined nearly every wall, filled with ancient artifacts, dusty books and yet more boxes. Rugs, weaponry, sculptures and various objects, great and small, were scattered throughout, stashed away wherever there was space. "Are you alright?" He asked as he carefully shrugged off his jacket, revealing a white tunic with wide lines of red and gold embroidery at the cuffs and collar, paired with dark brown slacks. As he brought it up for inspection, he frowned. The once-pristine white wool was stained crimson, three long tears rending the fabric from the right shoulder to the waist. Even if it was repairable, the stains would never come out. He had liked this coat.