Corsair, your CS is... terrible. Get out of my sight. I never want to see you in these parts again! Nah, I'm just joshing you squid it is looking good. Two thumbs up and all of that. --- [B]RP News[/B] In other news, the OCC should be up later today once I finish straightening up my apartment and finishing up reviewing some papers for work. Ideally before that time somebody else will have expressed their interest in joining our little romp. If not well c'est la vie as the old saying goes, "To do our country loss; and if to live, The fewer men, the greater share of honor." [B]Side Note:[/B] If you guys feel up to it you are more than welcome to make more than one Character, what ever you feel comfortable with. And if either of you know of anyone that would be willing to be [I]coughindoctrinatedcough[/I] drafted into our cause feel free to ask.