"Sounds like a plan. There are two different paths leading out of this valley. In the game, one went to a light density forest with a small lake in the middle for level twenty and above. The other to some fields, then dunes, and behind them the sea and a small harbour city. Though you needed to be level 25 to safely cross the area. So we can go check out that lake area. I read in a data file that there would be a fishing quest there too, so I think we can expect two or three houses owned by fishermen. Maybe they'll have some food to sell." He nodded as if agreeing with himself and headed to the exit together with his partner. In the very next area, after killing two spiders, Alakai could hear a soft 'ping', and in the corner of his eye he could see a small notification window pop up with the message 'You reached level 18!' This game didn't allow you to assign stat points yourself, but the hp and mana boost was good. This combined with the levels Kali had gained, would make the rest of the normal enemies easy as long as they were careful not to let her get aggro. After another 40 minutes of walking and fighting they reached a rather large hall. On one side, several entrances had been carved into the wall, clearly dwarven made by the design. On the other side, several caves went into different directions with rail tracks leading through two of them. Alakai hadn't read the lore of this place, but he could guess it was once a dwarven mine. And considering the size, they probably abandoned it because of lack of minerals. As usually Dwarven mines were huge, or at least had some people living in them. "Okay hold up...this should be the end." The man spoke, looking around carefully. The boss was probably hiding in one of the caves, if there was indeed one. That wasn't what he was looking for. He wanted to see if the quest npc was there or not. Nothing to see yet...so there was only one thing to do. "Well, here goes... In terms of stats this shouldn't be too hard, but the boss in the game was huge..." He stepped inside further, ready to defend himself if needed. Though luckily this boss liked to announce itself. As Alakai could hear a chilling shriek coming from one of the caves. And out came the spider. "Broodmother" it was called, and this one was at least 2 times as big as the largest spiders they had encountered so far. "Oh shit...I didn't like spiders before, and this certainly isn't helping." He spoke softly. He glanced at Kali one more time, nodding quickly, before dashing towards the huge creature.