Nexerus - You're good. Although as a warning I have received a personal complaint, but I don't want to treat it as grounds of refusal. Boerd - Frankly after the events of Nuclear Armageddon it doesn't matter what the lineage of someone is. The ultimate decider of titles such as kings or Emperor - in a practical sense at least - is whether or not people are willing to recognize him as that. So he doesn't really *need* the records, nor does he *need* to claim the UK. In the interests of imposing post-Feudal politics and 19th century romantic idealism you could try to go out of your way to say they're willing to take over stuff if there was a British flag planted there. But post-bombs the old monarchy would be so far removed from the new reality it wouldn't matter. They'd just want a leader at that point. So no use in trying to say he's a descendant of William the Conqueror.