The guards didn't leave his side until he entered his room. It was there that he saw the outfit he had already planned out on his bed, knowing his father found it distasteful for the prince to wander in dirty or wet clothes. It was a nice navy blue overcoat with golden buttons, along with his tan vest. His black breeches were untouched, but his muddied shoes were replaced with a clean leather set. Dorian always dressed to impress, but there never was anyone to impress in an empty castle. Adjusting his cravat, the prince waltzed out of his room. It was only a matter of time before he stumbled upon another servant that was wiping down a window. She was unsuspecting of the prince, and was startled when he called out to her. She denied ever seeing a guest, but it took a little bit of persuasion for the maid to spill her guts. Knowing his father didn’t want him interacting with a prisoner, he knew better than to test the prince’s curiosity and persistence. Going down the stairs, Dorian peered over the mezzanine. Barely within his sight he saw what looked to be a man being escorted by some guards. There was no denying that that was the prisoner. Unfortunately, he can’t march in and introduce himself while the guards were around. He would have to wait for the prisoner to be in his cell before the guards would even think of letting him near. His father, the king, often took precautions quite seriously, especially in regards of his son’s safety.