Him being the the "Chaos One" is actually not intended, but I am sticking with it. It was going to be "The Chaotic One" but I didn't like how it sounded, and then it was the "The Being of Chaos" which was just to long, so I went to change it back to the "The Chaotic One" but "Chaos One" just sounds better. Also, I kind presumed my character would be the one trying to mess everyone up, but I am more so a trickster than a flat out antagonist. I am fine starting as soon as possible. If new people show up, great. It would lead to an interesting dynamic is the entities changed as the players did (So long as the RP lives.) Like how entities can just appear and disappear and reappear at random. It would give an explaination for the flow of players though an RP and would add to the world building a lot.